You'll need to be close enough for them to become "active", so don't worry about the last bounty on the level wondering somewhere completely random as soon as you start the mission. If a bounty usually resides in a small hut, he may leave and wonder around if you give him enough time. Of important note is that while this guide tells you where you should be able to find bounties, they move around a bit on their own. You can ensnare a bounty before you mark him, but you can't mark a bounty that you've already killed. A bounty must be marked before you can claim them. Once they're either dead or ensnared, press the Action button to claim your bounty. Get close to them, switch to the snare in your inventory and entangle them. For those you'd rather take in alive, you'll need to ensnare them first. For bounties that you wish to kill, you can just go ahead and shoot them now. A "Bounty Marked" message will appear, and this creature will now have a red box surrounding them in the game. Once you find a bounty, press the Fire button while looking at him with your scanner. If they're a wanted criminal or scoundrel, you'll be given an assortment of information, including their name, what they're wanted for, and how much they're worth both dead and alive. If the creature has no bounty placed on their head, your scanner will tell you so. Now enter first person mode and look around at creatures. A quick way to do this is to press Up on the Digital Pad. To find bounties, select the scanner from your inventory. If you kill a bounty that you were only supposed to bring in alive, you'll still get credit for the bounty, but you won't receive any money for it. Some bounties must be taken alive, some must be taken dead, and for some you'll have an option. Each bounty also has a certain amount of money that's awarded, depending on whether you bring them in alive or dead. All of them are optional, but they help you unlock special features by claiming them. There are 150 secondary bounties scattered throughout the game. Pressing the jump button alone will jump backwards off of the piping or ledge. If you come to a gap in the ledge or pipe, press to the side and the jump button simultaneously to jump across. Pressing the Analog Stick to either side will cause you to shimmy along. Clinging to ledges and jumping gaps - If you fall off of a ledge or don't quite make a jump, you'll automatically grab hold of the ledge and hang from it.You'll cut through the door like a knife through butter. Simply walk up to the door and press the Action button. Cutting metal grates - When you come to a mesh doorway or grate made of metal, you can likely use your cutting torch to get through.When not boosting, the jetpack will replenish and you'll be able to fly for up to another five seconds again, depending on how long you let the jetpack replenish. You'll be able to fly upwards or horizontally for five seconds at a time. Flying - Press the Thrust button to use your jetpack (when available).Right Analog Stick - Move camera/Zoom (while in first person mode).Thank you for all of your support throughout the years - CoolROM will continue strong. We feel we have reached this goal and helped cure more cases of nostalgia than we could have ever imagined. From the very beginning, our goal was to allow users to re-live classic moments from video games that they have lost and cannot purchase anymore. We are very grateful to have served the emulation community for so many years and to have CoolROM still exist today. This page has been removed due to a request from Nintendo of America Inc.